"All failures in preaching today are basically the failure either of the man who preaches or of the message he brings"
"The soil out of which powerful preaching grows is the preacher’s own life"
"The more you and I are known by our people, our influence will increase or diminish according to the tenor of our lives"
"The Word of God must be to us first of all be that Book which we relish because here we see the face of the God whom we love, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ"
"The problem with our preaching is the shoddiness of our lives in the realm of practical piety as expressed in domestic life and in our speech"
"You are never free to be an instrument of blessing to your people unless you are free from the effects of their smiles and their frowns"
"What hinders us from being faithful to men is really a form of self love. We love our own feelings so much that we are not willing to run the risk of offending people and getting them mad at us. Oh, they may perish in hell, but that is all right just so long as they perish loving us"
"All who listen to us preach for any measure of time should come to the conclusion after sitting under our ministries, that unless they repent and bring forth the fruits of repentance, they will perish even though their heads may be packed full of objective and correct orthodoxy"
"Doubts which are produced by honest self-examination in the light of the objective standard of the Word of God, may be the best thing that ever happened to some people....doubts will never damn a man, but sinful presumption will".
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